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Dr.Roger Brighton
Do You Need Surgery?
Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which...Read more

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Dr. Roger BrightonM.B., B.S., F.R.A.C.S.(Orth.)

Dr. Roger Brighton is an Orthopaedic Surgeon working in Sydney, Australia, subspecialising in Hip and Knee Replacement, Knee Arthroscopy and Knee Ligament reconstruction.

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St Vincent’s Hip and Knee Surgeons St. Vincent's Clinic
Suite 405, Level 4, 438 Victoria Rd Darlinghurst NSW 2010

Tel : (02) 8382 6199 (02) 8382 6199

Fax : (02) 8382 6198

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Lakeview Private Hospital Lakeview Private Hospital
Suite 1, Level 1, 17-19 Solent Circuit, Bella Vista NSW 2153

Tel : (02) 8382 6199 (02) 8382 6199

Fax : (02) 8382 6198

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